Welcome aboard BDC Air! Please confirm all luggage is stowed, electronics are turned off, and your seat is in its full upright position. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy your in-flight entertainment...Blue Devils C!
This summer, Blue Devils C takes you on a journey through time to the golden age of commercial airline flight. A time when air travel was much more than simply an efficient means of transportation, it was an experience filled with excitement and wonder.
We welcome you to join Blue Devils C as we embark on our flight through the sunny blue skies in the summer of 2017.
"Married Life"
Michael Giacchino
"Come Fly With Me"
James Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn
"Learn to Fly"
Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Nate Mendelh
"Danger Zone"
Giorgio Moroder, Tom Whitlock
"Staying Alive"
Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb