Jul 31, 2007 3:24am
Carlo Antonio Villanueva
Here I am on our second of a series of long bus rides on our way back to California. We get most of our sleep on the bus this week with one rehearsal block per diem. It's during these days that we can be pretty successful making some small changes here and there in the show and have lots of time to sleep on them. We're currently driving through Wyoming on the way to Salt Lake, a city to which I don't think I've ever been.
Anyway, I wanted to write a blog about how to line a football field with college-level hash marks. Here we go.
You'll need a measuring tape that measures at least 300 feet, one or two pieces of string of the same length, white water-soluble field paint, and a healthy can-do attitude.
First, you scout out the grassy field you're going to line. Flat surfaces are ideal. Measure an approximate 300' by 180' area to see if the field will fit. If it does not, you can either find a different spot or figure out which part of a complete football field you can do without.
When you've figured it out, measure, string, and paint a Front Sideline. Now when you string a line, it's best to have one person at each end pulling the string as tightly as possible. This makes for a straight line. I've learned that the best way to hold the string is in your hands and then run underneath your shoe, since your leg muscles are stronger. When the string is taut, have a third person go to about the middle of the string and pluck it, to be sure the string doesn't weave in and out of the grass.
Once the FSL is painted, mark every 15 feet inbetween 0 and 300, numbering every other one by 10s. The ends will be 0 and the two sides should count to 50 in the middle. That completed, you're ready to triangulate.
I'll finish this one tomorrow. It's a process and I'm sleepy. =)