Ask Jen what she does for a living, and she will respond, "I work in the music industry." Jen is a performing singer/songwriter, percussionist, public speaker, and marketer. She is involved in all aspects of the music industry from business management to social media marketing. She speaks for NAMM and Banding People Together, has done social media marketing for several major brands in the music products industry, and has built her own on line business - BoomBoom Percussion.
Jen is a drum corps vet and was taught by Alan Murray in Florida Wave, Boston Crusaders, and The Empire Statesmen. She has a passion for both music and athletics and considers drum corps to be the perfect combination of both. Her multifaceted experience and background allow her to connect the dots on many different levels.
Jen loves to golf, has toured many parts of the world playing music, has released two records, is a graduate of Florida State University and currently lives in Tavares, FL