Ricky Contreras was a member of the Blue Devils organization one year out of his high school career with the James Logan World Class color guard. 2006 marked his first year with the prestigious Blue Devils World Class color guard, finishing his performance career in 2009.
Ricky went on to march his winter seasons with Santa Clara Vanguard (2006, 2009, 2011, 2012) becoming captain in 2013. Ricky also went on to teach Vanguard Cadets(2010,2011) and Mandarins (2010) after his age out. Ricky recently worked as a choreographer/ designer for Imperial Winter Guard in Bristol, United Kingdom (2016) and recently began working with Wasatch WG in Utah (2017-2018) as a choreographer. In 2012 he returned to the Blue Devil organization becoming a choreographer for the Blue Devils B Corps color guard. Ricky was the color guard caption head for the 2013-2019 BDB seasons, winning their first 2 colorguard DCI titles.